
Update: On February 27, 2021, Brian lost his precious life to SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy). He was a cherished member of the Canniatric family, and we will miss his smiles and hugs dearly.

My son, Brian, has been a client of Canniatric since 2014. At that point in time, we had tried every type of conventional medication and extensive brain surgery in an attempt to control his seizures and the subsequent behavior problems that arose out of intractable epilepsy and cognitive regression.

Unfortunately, nothing had worked, nothing gave him relief, and he was not able to attend school or engage in any of the things he had previously loved in life due to his illness.

However, once he started taking Canniatric products, everything changed. His seizures dramatically decreased, his cognition and level of alertness improved, and best of all, his concerning behaviors significantly diminished. His neurological team at UCLA was so impressed that they took notes and even recommended we use drops of Canniatric instead of other medications to help calm him when he would become upset.

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This wholistic tincture has saved all of our lives, and given my son a fighting chance. Thanks to the help of Ray, and the Canniatric Team, he was even able to beat the odds and graduate from high school with a diploma!

— Judy Parkinson (Brian’s mom)




Jameson & Rocco